For our recent holiday abroad, we purchased some kids headphones for our three-year-old to use with our iPad on the plane. The ones we bought are the Snug Play + Kids Headphones that you can get for a really good price on Amazon. We went for these as they had a lot of good reviews from other parents, were a good price, and were noise limiting so wouldn’t go too loud for our daughter.

Best features of the Snug Play + Kids Headphones
These headphones come in quite a few different colours- we went for the pink ones with our thinking being that they were so bright we wouldn’t lose them when travelling! Most of the colour options are bright so most kids will find one they like and there is also a grey option if your child prefers a paler colour.

The headphones are nice and chunky so good for little hands. Our daughter is able to take the headphones on and off well and she isn’t the most dextrous of children.
The headphones feel really well built and have already withstood a few drops and bangs. We haven’t had them for ages, so will update with any negatives if they do break.
Update: The headphones are still going strong a year and a half after we bought them- they’ve been used in the house and in the car and have coped well with being stuffed into storage boxes as well as bags.
The cord to attach to your device is removable from the headphones so you can store it separately if you wish. It is able to attach to either side of the headphones to stop tangles and this also means you can daisy chain one device to a number of headphones so multiple children can watch the same device or listen to the same music or audiobook.
The cord is also one of those ‘rope’ style ones so won’t get tangled or perish quickly like the more plasticky ones. Good for little hands that like to twist and play with things like that!

Loads of padding on the headphones make them comfortable to use. There is padding under the headband as well as around the earpiece. Our daughter enjoyed wearing them on the flight and didn’t complain of anything rubbing or hurting.
The headphones fold up easily to make them really quick to store and pack. Great for when you’re travelling on a plane or in the car.

The headband is expandable- they were comfortable for me to wear (I don’t have an especially big head!) and so would definitely suit older children and grow with your child if you get them for a younger kid. This also means they can be shared between children (if this is an option!)
The volume is automatically limited to 93 db. This is slightly higher than the WHO guideline amount of 85 db, however when you are on a loud plane or train the extra few db can make a difference so that children can hear the device more comfortably.
The sound quality through the headphones was really good. I could hear our daughters programmes at low volumes even on the loud plane and found them a lot better quality than my (admittedly very cheap) in-ear style headphones.

What did the reviews on Amazon say?
I love reading the reviews on Amazon as there are always some gems like the people who leave reviews when they haven’t even used the product- usually along the lines of “I bought these for a present so haven’t used them but they look great in the box”. Very kind to have left a review but not particularly helpful for would-be-buyers! 🙂

However, you can get stuck in a bit of ‘analysis paralysis‘ when you start to read all the reviews for loads of similar products. I always get fixated on the one or two negative points and start to doubt my choice. For these headphones, we bought them in a bit of a hurry (flying that week) and so didn’t get bogged down in too many comparisons. “These look good, are a good price and have some great reviews, lets buy them!”
Here’s a couple of the reviews that encouraged us to buy:
“So having had this for a few months now I can say my daughter loves them. They are a good fit for her she is 4.5.
The volume is decent and the fact the cable can be replaced is an excellent design feature.
The head set also folds up neatly which is also another well thought out design feature making it easy to pack in a ruck sack and less likely to snap in a bag.”
“Good headphones, sound is clear and just the right volume for young ears. The size fits my 8yo granddaughter perfectly with plenty of stretch so they would fit, I would say, from 3 to 12 yo. They fold neatly down to a small size and the lead can be detached so nothing gets damaged in travel bags. A well made product and a happy customer. They are still going strong after 4 months of daily use I’m very impressed.”
Final thoughts on the Snug Play + Kids Headphones
So far, so good on these bright and robust headphones. Good sound quality with limited volume for young ears, a broad range of colours and well thought out extra features like the easy fold, and the detachable cord make them well worth the low price we paid for them.

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